Thursday, July 15, 2010

And baby will make six ...

Four boys?

Four boys?

Seriously? We're going to have four boys!!!

We giggled like school children in bed that night. Hubby said, "Four boys? We're going to have four boys?" To which I replied, "Think about it, honey. Is there anyone more equipped for this adventure than us?" He nodded with a smile.

We found out Monday that baby who kicks mommy constantly and loves to do somersaults within my womb is a baby boy. No question. Emery Keith Shetler is growing within.

And I can only smile.

Little man is beautiful, healthy and mommy is doing good. We're closing in on the 30-week mark, and life couldn't be more wonderful. (Although I am still trying to figure out how my belly has gotten this big, this fast.)

As he kicks me now, I am filled with love.

Life is an amazing thing. You meet your soulmate, fall in love and God graces you with a child. Our family circle is nearly complete.

All I can say, Emery, is that you'll join a family who is ready to welcome you and already loves you. We're a rowdy bunch (after all, we're mostly boys with a mommy mixed in), but you'll fit right in.

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