Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Greetings from Krystal!

I'm sure a few of you have received unexpected greeting cards from me in recent weeks. A few of you have not. Don't fret. It'll come when you least expect it. God has planned it that way.

You see, I've tried something new. As you may have read (see previous blog entry), I've given up Facebook in an effort to reconnect in a more personal, less electronic way.

I hope it's working for you. It's certainly working for me.

Each week, I get my greeting card box out of the closet. I have dozens upon dozens of all-occasion greeting cards. I pick them up during the kids' fundraisers, at the farmers' market, or whenever I get a chance. I love cards, but until a few weeks ago, the box just kept getting more and more full. More cards were going in, and few were coming out.

No more, my friends.

When the box comes out, I grab a pen and sit down for some quiet reflections. Whomever God puts on my mind gets a card from me, complete with a probably too-long, hand-written note. It's my way of telling my friends and family just how much they mean to me, and it gives me a certain amount of peace within. I love doing it.

But the best part of the process if how God is involved. For example, I sent out a card a couple of weeks ago to a female friend. She came to my mind. I didn't know it at the time, but it was her birthday. Reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan, the first paragraph of the book talks about how society is forgetting how to communicate without social media. And a recent pastor talked on the radio about how God, if he came now, could connect with more people, but he came then because he desired a more personal relationship. I think all of this is more than coincidence. I'm meant to keep going, keep writing and keep sending.

It's personal for me, and it's helping me grow my faith and hopefully become a better person, friend and communicator.

1 comment:

  1. My card is predominantly displayed in my sewing room....Thank you for the personal touch! It is appreciated!!
