Monday, August 31, 2009

Just bee me?

Every once in a great while, I get assignments (or create assignments) that I can't stop talking about. They are fun, interesting, interactive and great fun to write. Forget council meetings or new business stories, bring on the bees.

When I found out about this bee farm in Orange County, thanks to a post by another interesting blogger I follow, I had to write about it. Who starts a bee farm anyway? What's the sense, right? At our house, we tend to run from bees, not toward them.

Insert one giant pair of big girl panties and a lot of netting, and I was soon holding thousands of swarming (and very ticked off) bees. It was exciting, interesting and fun. Who has a job this cool anyway? Who gets to spend the morning, dressed in a crazy-looking contraption, watching a queen bee lay eggs? And who gets to taste fresh honey right off the hive?

That would be me, and I have to say there are times when I absolutely love my job.

So I survived, without a single sting, and a new appreciation for bees. Their social structure is amazing, and I will never taste another drop of honey without thinking of that morning at a farm near Paoli.

And just for giggles, I'll attach the picture ... Bring on the bees.

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